new beginnings

The post’s title new beginnings refers to me starting   to scope work for  the 2018 section of the Mallee Routes project whilst I was  at Swan Hill for the exhibition at the Swan Hill Regional Art Gallery.    This … Read More

history of water in the Mallee

The history of water in the 20th century was  one of piping water to the storage dams located across the region via the earthen, gravity-fed Wimmera Mallee Domestic and Stock Channel System. This  system extended from the Grampians in central western Victoria to Ouyen and Manangatang in the north, Underbool in the west and Korong Vale in the east.… Read More

Irrigation and the Mallee

When  I was at the Morgan photo camp   with Gilbert Roe  in early November I  noticed that  the stretch of land around Morgan and Waikerie   was increasingly being transformed  by the ongoing clearing of the original mallee scrub and its … Read More

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