
It is a kind of re-photography as I don’t recall that much from the 1990s roadtrip. On the recent 2022 roadtrip, when I was walking along the path of the old railway line past the railway station and the silos I remembered having been here before. There was a strong sense of deja-vu.

Though I also vaguely remembered photographing this industrial scene with a large format camera (either a 5×7 or an 8×10 Cambo monorail) I couldn’t recall the particular perspective of the photo or the light conditions. I hoped that re-photographing the silos would jog my photographic memory. It did. I made a number of studies.

silos, Eudunda

After I returned to Encounter Studio I started to look through the archives for the lost negatives. Disappointingly, I have yet to find it. Some of the archives appear to have been misplaced during the various household shifts over the last 30 years. From what I can gather a box (maybe 2) of large format negatives is missing. I now regret not having taken greater care of these old negatives. I didn’t think much of them at the time as the photography had been displaced by the PhD in philosophy.

Photography is a tale of ghosts and hauntings.